Creating Utopia is here to explore the ideas that will help create a better world. I spent years travelling the world advocating for children in extreme poverty, and have since come to recognize that solutions to the worlds largest issues exist today. We've been waiting for action and change for a long time now, and this platform is designed to allow us to come together and create a society where we all have the ability to contribute in a positive way.
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
New Rule: Bill Maher Needs New Rules
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
The first episode of Creating Utopia is about conversation and Bill Maher. He's made quite an impact in his life, and one could argue that the way he communicates is the reason he is in the position he's in. I find myself thinking, "What is he accomplishing?" Is it time to step back and analyze whether how and what we are saying is bringing us together, or pushing us apart?